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Rio Power CO2+ Reactor / Surface Skimmer

• Power Surface Skimmer
• Produces Ultra-Fine CO₂Bubblesd
• Carbon Dioxide Reaction Chamber
• Connects Easily to Any CO₂Source
• Injects CO₂Evenly and Efficiently
• Clog Resistant Venturi
• Simple and Easy Up
• Patented


• Power Surface Skimmer
• Produces Ultra-Fine CO₂Bubblesd
• Carbon Dioxide Reaction Chamber
• Connects Easily to Any CO₂Source
• Injects CO₂Evenly and Efficiently
• Clog Resistant Venturi
• Simple and Easy Up
• Patented


Product Models


Model Description Aquarium Size Parts.
F-5001 Power CO₂+ Reactor & Surface Skimmer < 24 in with suction cup bracket
F-5001M Power CO₂+ Reactor & Surface Skimmer < 24 in with magnet mount
F-5002 Power CO₂+ Reactor & Surface Skimmer < 36 in with suction cup bracket
Power CO₂+ Reactor & Surface Skimmer

< 36 in

with magnet mount



  Part List  


1. Motor
2. Impeller
3. Impeller well cover
4. Bushing
5. Shaft
6. CO₂reaction chamber
7. Foam pre filter
8. Suction cup bracket
9. Magnet mount
10. Flare discharge
11. Air stopper
12. Surface skimmer
13. Flow control collar
14. Strainer





1. Choose a location for the CO₂reactor.

2. Verify that the glass is clean.

3. Secure to the aquarium using either the provided suction cup bracket or magnet mount.


4. Adjust the unit so that the water level is a ½" from the brim of the surface skimmer.

5. Verify that the strainer is now floating.

6. Carbon dioxide set up:
There are many ways to provide carbon dioxide to the pump. If there are are any concerns in the

initial set up always consult your local tropical fish store prior to installation. Follow all manufactures

guidelines and precautions when connecting the carbon dioxide source.


(a) Remove the air stopper.
(b) Connect a piece of silicone airline.
(c) Install in an inline check valve.
(d) Connect piece of silicone airline tubing from the check valve to a bubble counter.
(e) From the bubble counter connect another piece of silicone airline tubing from the
bubble cuonter to the carbon dioxide source.

7. Plug pump directly to a GFCU outlet.

8. Turn on carbon dioxide source.

Note: Do not remove air stopper if using the unit as surface skimmer ONLY!